Originally uploaded by K_gs
トランシーバーは同時に使用するメンバーとチャンネルを合わせて「/3 こんにちは」のように
拡声器は設定したチャンネルで「/5 こんにちは」のように話すと、その発言が叫びに変換されるというものです。
K_gs put new HeadSetMic for event use on the market.
Include mini type.
9 body colours change
Sidepanel logo change to your texture
Plise 400 L$
They are headset with speaker and transceiver function.
K_gs HeadSet/L_Mic/P3*
Headphone type with left mic. (Demo is Right type only))
K_gs HeadSet/R_Mic/P3*
Headphone type with right mic.
K_gs HeadSet mini*
It is a earphone type.
If headphone come out of a hat...please use it.
Touch menu.
(3 and 5 are only headphone types)
1) It is a setup key of the channel used by transceiver.
The member who does concurrent use needs to unite with the same number.
For example, if it is set as "4", the utterance which attached /4 to the head will be shared with /4 among members.
2) Speaker
It is a setup key of the channel used with a Speaker.
The same channel as a transceiver cannot be used.
if it is set as "3",the utterance which attached /3 to the head is Shout.
If it is set as "0", all say will Shout.
3) SidePanel
Change the Texture of the SidePanel.
The picture which can be chosen with a sub menu by putting in a graphics file to the contents of headphone can be increased.
They are a maximum of 11 sheets.
Please shorten the name of a graphics file as much as possible.
4) Exit
End dialog.
Change the color of headphone.
Can do check the setting channel of transceiver and a speaker.
plese enjoy
Kumaki Glasses Style
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